Your Next Unicorn-Grade Website 🦄
Disrupting web portfolios since 2025
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days living on earth
Backed by Y Combinator*
Series Z Funded 🚀
Powered by 🧠 rot
香港製造 🇭🇰
*** in my dreams
獨角獸級數 🦄
Bootstrapped AF
Running on Copium
Profitable (cap)
Certified HBU dev
Powered by ChatGPT 6.9
Web5 Ready™
Built with Stack Overflow
Trust me bro 🤝
唔識寫code都得 🤖
AI寫晒 🧠
冇bug先奇怪 🐛
Copy完唔改都得 📝
Personalized / 度身訂造
- ✓Fully customizable (as long as you like my taste)
- ✓Eye-catching title that makes no sense
- ✓Rotating brain rot lines to confuse your visitors
- ✓Random numbers that go brrr (100% real)
- ✓Silicon Valley fake-ass badges included
- ✓Step-by-step guide to set up (trust me bro)
- ✓Help you buy domain (or just use .tk like a chad)
Price based on requirements • 1-day delivery (impossible) • Modern stack